Rowdy Parrots



Rowdy parrots is a collection of 10,000 unique and algorithmically generated 3D parrots living on the ethereum blockchain

Learn more about this animals and start collecting


Parrots are a



Parrots are highly intelligent animals and can imitate human sounds, even imitating words and phrases, a fact that has made them much loved pets. They vocalize to communicate, mark a territory and identify themselves. They are considered scandalous birds, as they like to make rowdy continuously.

Rowdy Parrots

Living on






Start collecting Rowdy Parrots

Mint Price:  0.000 ETH

Do you want to participate in unique raffles? Join our Discord!


PresaleThe beginning of Rowdy Parrots

1000 NFTs will be launched for our exclusive whitelist, and we will give them an exclusive Discord role.

Q2/22Let’s continue

The public mint will be launched for those who want to be part of our community. The holders first! That's why we will give away 5 Ethereum among holders who verify their NFTs. We also take care of the community! So we are going to raffle 15 parrots among the discord community.

Q3/22Stay with parrots

VRowdy is a foundation on the sandbox metaverse that seeks to make people aware of the environment and animals care. In the foundation you can donate, learn more about different types of animals and access exclusive talks by scientists. Rowdy parrots Clothing with an associated NFT line is shoppable on canonical shop and VRowdy headquarters will be launched on the website, mass marketing around the world with influencers and celebrities and a big social media campaign, 50% of the profits will go to the holders, the rest will be used for the marketing campaign. For the adventurers, we will give away 10 flight tickets to different jungles and parrot habitats, the destination will be chosen by the winner.


Launch of the $ZOO, a token that can be used for many things in the future, but for now you can donate to VRowdy and buy merchandise with it. We will do VIP Face-to-face Meetings with the holders - we are also going to raffle 10 parrots among the community.


Depending on the rarity of your parrot, you Can stake them and Earn $ZOO. Holders will have access to a demo for our projects within the metaverse and web3.

Q2/23Be part of metaverse

Zooverse is a big DAO zoo inside the sandbox metaverse and web3. what’s inside? Games with P2E from which you can Earn $ZOO. The Jungle is a special place inside the zooverse which is exclusive for holders. Physical stores will be open in luxury places and malls -to connect the metaverse and the physical world. VRowdy will open foundations all around the world to make people aware of animal caring.




Where can I buy them?

Will there be a secondary market?

How much do they cost?

How many parrots are there?

How can I trade my parrots?

What is DAO?

What is the metaverse?

What is P2E?